All posts by jasonian

Tonight’s wine: 2007 Mietz Cellars Chardonnay

2007 Mietz Cellars Chardonnay

I’m not a big fan of Chardonnay, finding them generally bland and soft (aka “buttery”). This 2007 Mietz Cellars Chardonnay, however, is a more acidic style, which I find much more interesting, yet it remains an easy drink, making it perfect for an evening sitting on the couch with a loved one after a home-cooked meal of Spice Hound-infused turkey tacos.

Mietz is part of the Family Winery cooperative, and this bottle is part of the cooperative’s wine club I joined in January.

Jailed for Six Months

A couple of days ago I dreamt I was sentenced to six months in jail, for an unknown offense.

Beyond the strangeness of dreaming I’d been sent to jail, what was particularly strange was the amount of freedom the inmates seemed to have.

Several times, I left the jail to go home so I could find books, magazines, and other forms of entertainment that would prevent me from being bored during my incarceration.

It seemed I could leave during the day, as long as I was back in the evening, and I could do as I wanted in the cell.

I recall selecting books I had always wanted to read, along with books which were in tatters from decades of use.

One book that stood out was a handbook for amateur magicians, which I’ve owned since I was a teenager. I learned dozens of slight-of-hand and other tricks from that book. And after choosing that book and returning to jail, the next day when I walked out again, it was to bring back a deck of cards.

I have no idea what the dream means. I thought perhaps it represented my desire to live a life of leisure, free to read and learn.

I thought perhaps it represented freedom during the day and inflexibility at night.

No matter how I ponder this, I can’t come up with a good explanation.

(But I wouldn’t mind six months off….)

Buffy Meets Twilight   ◆

Amazing editing to combine two shows about vampires. If you've never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the show, not the movie), please do. It's a favorite of mine. I keep meaning to pick up the boxed set.

The “new” site

A quick note on my new posting style: These short “Clips” are things I read or watched, and found interesting enough to share with you.

It’s kinda like sending you a “hey, check this out!” email or iChat message.

If the headline or description intrigues you, click on the headline to go to the original site. My goal is to get you curious enough to read or watch the links.

I hope you enjoy the new style. It’s an experiment in short-form, near-daily posting.

If you find stuff I might be interested in, you can bookmark it in and then tag it with “for:jasonian”. It’ll show up in my Delicious Inbox. Or send it to me the old fashioned way via email or iChat.

I’ll still have more personal, longer-form entries too. And I’m working on a way to hide the Clips for those who don’t care for them.

Finally, I turned off comments on the site. Too much spamming. If you want to comment on something I wrote, I encourage email or a response and link back at your own site. The “#” symbol is a perma-link to each entry.

On a recent walk, the evening sky had some amazing red tinting. I took a few shots with my iPhone camera; these aren’t very good shots, alas.

