AAPL second quarter breakdown, last five years

Curious of AAPL’s progress over the years, I did a quick review of Apple’s last five 2nd quarter financials:

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Net Profit (million) $14 $46 $290 $410 $770
Earnings per Diluted Share $0.04 $0.12 $0.34 $0.47 $0.87
Revenue (billion) $1.475 $1.909 $3.24 $4.36 $5.26
Gross Margin 28.30% 27.80% 29.80% 2980% 3510%
Macs sold 711,000 740,000 1,070,000 1,112,000 1,517,000
iPods sold N/A* 807,000 5,311,000 8,526,000 10,549,000
Cash on hand (billion) $4.50 $4.60 N/A* N/A* N/A*

* N/A: Information wasn’t available in the press release for that quarter.