Keep this man away from Twitter (and the White House).
Star Wars Force Awakens Easter Eggs and References ◆
It’s amazing the level of detail that goes into including (and catching!) the references.
It does make me realize that the Star Wars universe is vast, and I only know it from the movies.
There’s No Such Thing As A Protest Vote ◆
Cogent rebuttal to anyone thinking about voting for a third-party candidate, or even worse, “not voting”:
But it doesn’t matter what message you think you are sending, because no one will receive it. No one is listening. The system is set up so that every choice other than ‘R’ or ‘D’ boils down to “I defer to the judgement of my fellow citizens.” It’s easy to argue that our system shouldn’t work like that. It’s impossible to argue it doesn’t work like that.
Of course, as in most things, The Simpsons Already Did It™.
Ulysses 2.6 — The Brooks Review ◆
Good overview of the two big new features in this update, Typewriter mode and WordPress integration. It’s the only place I’ve seen that lays out how to use the WordPress feature:
Here’s how Ulysses auto-populates the fields:
Title: the # level heading of the post
Category: the first tag you have placed in Ulysses
Tags: everything after the first tag you used in Ulysses
Slug: URL friendly version of the post title
Excerpt: The first ‘note’ you have attached to the document in Ulysses
Linked list URL: make the title a link, it grabs that link.
The linked list feature is neat, though I had to make changes to my WordPress them to use it (since it uses the “linked-list-url” custom field, rather than the one I use with Postilicious; I’ll have to write that up another time).
Where All the Open Software Engineering Jobs Are in the U.S. ◆
The map is amazing. Silicon Valley might be the center of the technology universe in mindshare, but certainly not in terms of job openings.
Alex Rodriguez unconditionally released by Yankees ◆
What’s remarkable about this is how candid A-Rod was in his press conference, making it clear that his release was the decision of the Yankees, not his own.
He didn’t choose to retire, he was forced out.
Still, he’ll get the rest of what’s left of his massive $242 million contract, about $27 million for 2017. That’s a lot of cash for “advising”.
The sad part is he’s leaving just four home runs shy of 700.
Ham4Pamphlet: 45 Illustrators Draw the 46 Tracks of the “Hamilton” Cast Recording ◆
A gift to the cast from a group of fans. Remarkable work.
The strange unrequited love Scott Adams seems to have for Donald Trump ◆
I’ve been thinking this for a while now.
Not surprisingly, Adams calls the article a “weak hit piece” and the author a “bottom-feeder,” without bothering to dispute the contents of the article itself.
Sometime ago, Adams left the plausible realm of “Trump is great at persuasion” to “Trump should be president”. It just seems he isn’t able to admit it.
Colorware MacBook Retro ◆
As an old-school Apple II fan, this is a thing of beauty. I only wish I could justify it’s $3,000 price tag. See also their 27″ 5K iMac and Keyboard and Mouse.