
RealRyder ABF8 Indoor Tilting Bike   ◆

I like bike riding, and I wish I was in better shape to do it regularly, which means I need to bike regularly to get into shape. But if I get tired on the way out, getting home's a bitch. Maybe an indoor bike is a good compromise, especially one that lets me dip into imaginary curves. Although for two grand, I'd better use it every day. (Via Uncrate <>.) Visit the link….

Double Self Portraits   ◆

Photographer Chino Otsuka visits places she's been photographed before, takes new pictures of herself, and then digitally combines them to make surreal combinations of then and now. The table-top book, called "Imagine Finding Me", is £14 with shipping. Visit the link….

Make your own Kettle brand Chips   ◆

I love Kettle brand chips because of the unique flavor combos ("Island Jerk" anyone?). Now I can try building my own tasty treats with their Create-A-Chip Kit. For $15 you get

seven all natural seasoning blends and four bags of unseasoned chips

plus three full-size bags of popular flavors (Spicy Thai™, Buffalo Bleu™ and Tuscan Three Cheese were listed when I last visited).

It's offers like these that make it really bad to be on a diet. Visit the link….

Netflix Offers $1 Million to Improve Recommendations System   ◆

These are my links for May 12th from 01:06 to 01:06:

  • The Netflix Challege: $1 Million Recommendation Engine – If you can suggest which movies I'll like based on which movies I've already watched, you might win $1 million from Netflix. Just improve their movie ranking software enough. Be careful though: There are a few gotchas in the list, like Napoleon Dynamite, which seems to defy love-it-or-hate-it predictions.