
Inc. Makes April Issue Without Entering Office –   ◆

Interesting exercise: publish an entire magazine about working remotely by working remotely. One potential downside: 

> “I was way more productive, but way less happy…, I think one of the reasons people get into magazines is that it’s collaborative.”

I think my department (and many others) should do a similar experiment for a week or two.

Belkin iPad Stand   ◆

This stand is the first I've seen that I want to buy. It looks beautiful and functional without being overly engineered.

Buffy Meets Twilight   ◆

Amazing editing to combine two shows about vampires. If you've never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the show, not the movie), please do. It's a favorite of mine. I keep meaning to pick up the boxed set.

On a recent walk, the evening sky had some amazing red tinting. I took a few shots with my iPhone camera; these aren’t very good shots, alas.

