
Clone Brews   ◆

What a great idea: deconstruct the recipes of well-known beers so you can make similar ones at home. I definitely need to get started with home-brewing.

ClamCase iPad case with keyboard   ◆

I had a similar idea for a case, but I’m thinking it’s an example of being stuck in the “make it a netbook” mindset. But, if you do a lot of traveling and typing, and don’t want a separate keyboard, this looks nice (should it ever ship).

SwitchEasy NUDE iPad cases   ◆

A thin (1mm) case to protect your iPad from dings and scratches, plus fold-out stands, screen protector, microfiber wipe and headphone and 30-pin connector protectors. Whew. That's a lot of stuff for $33 (including shipping).

DODOcase for iPad   ◆

As a fan of the classic Moleskine notebooks, and of hand-crafted works, I just had to order this case. It's made of bamboo and faux leather using traditional book binding techniques. Reading my iPad with it feels like reading a real book, and is very comfortable in the hand.

iPad holder for under $2   ◆

With all the high-prices iPad holders out there, it’s nice that there’s a $2 version available.

OK, it’s a business card holder from OfficeMax, but it works great for holding the iPad horizontally, and two of them inverted against each other holds the iPad vertically too.

If you order through the site, it’s Buy 1, Get 1 at 50% off, so you can buy two for $3. I have half-a-dozen scattered around my office and home. (I prefer the silver, if you can find it.)

Matias TactilePro   ◆

Speaking of Matias, they have one of the best keyboards I’ve ever used, the TactilePro. If you like the old-style clackity-clack, like the Apple Extended Keyboard from  years back. It’s so good, it’s currently sold out, even at $150.

MacWorld reviewed it, and gave it 4.5 of 5 stars

Matias promises availability in May.

Matias iRizer   ◆

Although this is for laptops, it might be perfect for holding an iPad. I expect these guys will have a dedicated iPad version soon though.

Skinny Sleeve – iPad   ◆

This iPad slipcase might be just what I'm looking for: top-loading, minimal additional size and weight and decent price ($30).