A program for third through eighth graders, by National Society of Black Engineeres (NSBE), and facilitated by “fifty African American mentors”.
Why Apple Will Hit $1,650 by the End of 2015 ◆
Not a whole lot of insight here by Forbes, but this bit rings true:
If Apple likes to disrupt huge, inefficient markets, why not get into the mobile payments space?
[J]ust shaving off the credit card companies’ fees on Apple retail stores could save Apple $3 billion in revenues.
One year ago Apple announced 200 million iTunes accounts. Just about everyone I know has one. You can already “gift” someone with iTunes credit. All you need is a cleaner interface to send it and a linked account to get money out.
It’s The Hoodie ◆
Geraldo Rivera on Trayvon Martin’s Death:
I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.
Because guns don’t kill people, hoodies do. Especially brown-skinned people.
Will Geraldo suggest next that a rape victim “was asking for it” because of her outfit?
Update: Rivera also said in this piece:
I think unless it’s raining out, or if you’re at a track meet, leave the hoodie home, don’t let your children go out there.
Turns out that it was a rainy night when Martin was killed.
Complete PDF Collection of Before & After On Sale ◆
Their tag line is “how to design cool stuff”. I own dozens of their printed editions from the mid-’90s. It’s great for both “how to” instruction and design inspiration.
Sale ends Friday.
Search All Items—Not Just Visible Ones—in OmniFocus ◆
If you use OmniFocus, you need this script. Works around one of the bigger frustrations of the app.
OmniGroup needs to implement this natively.
Connect Design iPad Case/Stand ◆
An iPad sleeve that transforms into a two-position stand. Brilliant design.
Much more attractive than the In Case Origami sleeve.
Twitter Planning To Spam Users with Ads ◆
Twitter, on their advertising blog:
We recently began testing Promoted Tweets and Promoted Accounts on iOS and Android devices to make it easier for brands to reach consumers anytime, even when they are on the go. As with the launch of Promoted Tweets in user timelines on Twitter.com, we started by showing them in the timeline only for those users already following the advertiser. Since we began testing three weeks ago, reactions have been positive. Starting today, we are expanding this test, enabling brands to target Promoted Tweets to mobile users that share similar interests with their existing followers.
Translation: Prepare for unsolicited tweets from advertisers.
A prediction: This “test” will either fail, or will result in an option to pay to remove these “Promoted Tweets”. There’s your business model right there.
Apple PR:
Apple today announced it has sold three million of its incredible new iPad, since its launch on Friday, March 16.
Phil Schiller calls it "a blockbuster" and "the strongest iPad launch yet".
AT&T released a statement too:
On Friday, March 16, AT&T set a new single-day record for its iPad sales and activations, demonstrating robust demand for the new iPad on the nation's largest 4G network, covering nearly 250 million people.
Not bad for a supposedly "minor update".
Apple announces dividend and stock buy back ◆
Apple PR:
Subject to declaration by the Board of Directors, the Company plans to initiate a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share sometime in the fourth quarter of its fiscal 2012, which begins on July 1, 2012.
There’s also a $10 billion share repurchase program.
“We have used some of our cash to make great investments in our business through increased research and development, acquisitions, new retail store openings, strategic prepayments and capital expenditures in our supply chain, and building out our infrastructure. You’ll see more of all of these in the future,†said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “Even with these investments, we can maintain a war chest for strategic opportunities and have plenty of cash to run our business. So we are going to initiate a dividend and share repurchase program.â€
Translation: Our money printing press is oiled up and ready to go.
One interesting note from the conference call: Apple will pay dividends on unvested Restrcted Stock Units, but Tim Cook specifically requested he not receive this benefit on his 1,000,000+ million RSUs. That’s a lot of money he’s giving up.
Apple to announce the outcome of its discussions concerning cash balance ◆
A conference call before the market opens? If this isn’t an announcement of a dividend, I’ll eat my hat. I don’t think they do this to say “we’re doing nothing”. $100 billion in the bank is hard to ignore.
Question is, how big, and is it a one-time special divided?