It's not just AT&T offering subsidized netbooks. Also $199 for the computer, and 250 MB of data for $40/month, or 5GB for $60/month. Overages are $102/GB and $51/GB, respectively (way cheaper than AT&T's overages).
All posts by jasonian
David Pogue Likes the Palm Pre ◆
Sounds like a more-than-decent phone:
The Pre, which goes on sale Saturday, is an elegant, joyous, multitouch smartphone; it’s the iPhone remixed.
I'd consider it if I wasn't wedded to my iPhone.
The art of “Up” ◆
Lou Romano, a development and production artist at Disney/Pixar, talks about his early work on "Up". I'm always fascinated by seeing early art and how it influences the final product. I loved this:
A challenge in film is conveying how something feels, not how it exists in reality. Research trips can be a blessing and a curse: the blessing in that visiting an actual place surpasses what you can get from video and photos alone, the curse in being too much a slave to the actual place. Imagination and feeling should dictate everything, not reality.
Subsidized netbooks coming from AT&T ◆
As low as $199 with a "qualifying plan" that starts at $40/month for 200 MB of data. Total base cost over the two years is $1159. Don't go too far over your plan though: It's $105 per gigabyte (of course, they market it as $0.0001/KB).
The $60 plan gives you 5GB data, and charges $503 per GB ($0.00048/KB) above that. Total base cost of ownership is $1639.
I'm not sure who goes for this. At the very least, AT&T should give away the netbooks.
Pre-order The Beatles: Rock Band ◆
Following up from The Beatles: Rock Band videos, turns out you can pre-order the game from Amazon and other places, and get behind-the-scenes footage and artwork. (If you order from this link, I get a tiny kickback.)
Eddie Murphy’s “Delirious” 25th Anniversary Edition ◆
I think I saw "Delirious" in high school, after my friends were already quoting bits. I recently caught part of it on TV, and even bleeped out it was still riotously funny.
The Beatles: Rock Band Opening Cinematic ◆
Coming 09/09/09. Yeah, I'm buying it. Watch the gameplay trailer too.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Game Trailer ◆
The trailer for the new Star Wars game looks awesome. Perhaps future films should be left to the game designers?
Liquid Protein Drinks ◆
These folks were offering tasting samples at the local Costco recently. 25 grams of protein and 100 calories in three ounces. Tasted like a syrupy fruit punch. $20 at Costco. Not quite a meal replacement, but useful for recovery after working out.
‘Chuck’ Renewed! ◆
One of my favorite shows is returning for a third season, after a brilliant end to season two. Chuck's final line was telegraphed from the start of the last scene, and still was deeply satisfying when uttered. So glad it's coming back.
If you haven't seen the show yet, Hulu<a/> offers all of Season 1 and 2 for free. Visit the link….