A quick note on my new posting style: These short “Clips” are things I read or watched, and found interesting enough to share with you.
It’s kinda like sending you a “hey, check this out!” email or iChat message.
If the headline or description intrigues you, click on the headline to go to the original site. My goal is to get you curious enough to read or watch the links.
I hope you enjoy the new style. It’s an experiment in short-form, near-daily posting.
If you find stuff I might be interested in, you can bookmark it in Delicious.com and then tag it with “for:jasonian”. It’ll show up in my Delicious Inbox. Or send it to me the old fashioned way via email or iChat.
I’ll still have more personal, longer-form entries too. And I’m working on a way to hide the Clips for those who don’t care for them.
Finally, I turned off comments on the site. Too much spamming. If you want to comment on something I wrote, I encourage email or a response and link back at your own site. The “#” symbol is a perma-link to each entry.