Targeting the AAPL millionaries

Apple’s stock has been on a major run-up the last few months (heck, the last few years). They been hitting new highs just about every day it seems, and I check about as often. Last night I plugged AAPL into Google, and nearly rolled out my bed laughing.

As you no doubt know, Google sticks ads into your search results, and this particular search returned a link to a Sotheby’s real estate agent selling multi-million dollar houses.


How about a 5 bedroom, 4 bath Mediterranean-style multi-level homestead with pool for only $3.5 million?

Picture 1

Or how about a more modest-looking single-story ranch-style home with 5 bedrooms and 5 baths? No price listed, but if you have to ask, your options haven’t vested.

Picture 2

I’ve heard of targeted advertising, but this is a whole new level. There must be a yacht-load of newly minted millionaires meandering through the Apple Campus in Cupertino. I wonder if they’ve started wearing ascots and muttering “What ho my good man?” to each other?

I should note that this isn’t exclusive to AAPL; the real estate agent also targeted Google (GOOG)

Picture 3-1

But not Microsoft (MSFT) or Dell (DELL).

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